Chapter Included in Spiritual Guidance Across Religions

by Michael Reeder on April 20, 2014

Spiritual_Guidance_Across_ReligionsSpiritual Guidance Across Religions: A Sourcebook for Spiritual Directors & Other Professionals Providing Counsel to People of Differing Faith Traditions

I am very pleased and honored to have been able to contribute a chapter to this new textbook!

This is a text that helps counselors, spiritual directors, and anyone else trying to provide religion-appropriate assistance to members of different faiths and spiritual backgrounds.

Editor John Mabry, PhD has done an unusually inclusive job.  He has found experts on a HUGE number of world religions and gotten them to write very specific guidance on how to counsel followers.  The usual religions are present (with several varieties of Christianity), as well as Neo-Paganism, African Diaspora Spirituality, Native American Religion, and “Spiritual Eclecticism” rarely found in any professional book.  This should prove required reading for all types of counselors hoping to appropriately approach culturally and spiritually diverse clients.  I hope several colleges adopt this text for courses on spiritual counseling and cultural competency.

My chapter starts on page 50 and is entitled “Spiritual Guidance in the Neo-Pagan Traditions”.

You can find more information on the book at the following links:

Publisher website book sales


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