Michael Reeder, MS, LGPC
(202) 526-4445, X710

Brookland Pastoral Center
...an oasis for healing and change

1325 Quincy Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017


Basic Counseling Skills for Church Leaders

8-week training class starts Thursday April 12th, 7pm to 9pm.

$125 -- Advanced Registration Needed.

Guiding the personal and spiritual growth of individuals by utilizing common counseling techniques and tools in the context of religious faith.

Classes consist of lecture, discussion, & practice sessions.  Participants will  demonstrate new skills for the instructor & class through simulated counseling scenarios.  These classes are for clergy or anyone in a church leadership role of any faith who want to learn or brush-up on counseling skills.

Some covered topics:

  • Characteristics of effective care providers
  • Basics Skills -- Personal Values; Critical Nonverbals; Attending Skills; Rapport, Empathy, & Unconditional Positive Regard; The Four Listening Responses; Influencing Responses
  • Appropriate Confrontation
  • Spiritual Counseling Models & Spiritual Assessment (Note: These are religion-neutral models)
  • Confidentiality and Legal Issues

Contact Michael Reeder at 202-526-4445, X710 or mreeder@bpccounseling.com for advance registration.  $125 for the 8-session workshop series starting Thursday April 12th, 7pm-9pm.

Phone: 202-526-4445, X710
Email: mreeder@BPCCounseling.com

Pictures and the BPC logo are the property of Brookland Pastoral Center.

Except as noted, this website and its contents copyright 2007 Michael Reeder, all rights reserved.